Robin Healthcare
The Robin Assistant™ is a proprietary smart dictation that captures physician notes and translates them into highly accurate, completely compliant notes and codes delivered directly to a patients EMR. Robin saves doctors an average of 90 minutes a day. Patients get fully focused doctors. Practices get more accurate reimbursement.
Robin's Mission
Robin Healthcare’s goal is to remove the administrative barriers that come between doctors and their patients. Their specially trained, AI-supported human workforce is a BIG part of the solution.
Out of home advertisement
OHH ads were created during major medical conferences.

Tradeshow booth

Recruiting landing page
The goal was to create an interactive experience while being able to track engagement from candidates.
Pop Art campaign inspired by Andy Warhol's soup cans.
Data visualization
Care packaging
These were sent out to consumers in appreciation of their support. Soups, candy bars, and swag.

UI Design
Mobile version of the Robin Assistant

Conference banner
Conference banner advertising the Robin Assistant™
10" circular handout
Handed out at medical conferences inviting physicians to meet Robin Healthcare for happy hour events throughout the country

Packaging and display
Frosted glass with wood base

Concept video script
C O N C E P T :
Robin gives doctors more "time" to heal their patients.
Sound effect:
Ticking clock sound. Then simple, emotive music.
Voice over:
It’s about time
doctors were free
to do much more doctoring
and much less documenting.
Say hello to Robin.
The first total documenting solution for orthopedics.
The best of AI dictation and remote medical scribes.
The Time (saving) Machine.
So doctors get more
of what they want most.
to heal patients.